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Advanced Natural Language Processing


Jonathan May

Office Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays 9:00–9:50 am, THH 110, or by appointment (at ISI on other days)

Elan Markowitz

Office Hours: Mondays 1:00pm–2:00pm and Wednesdays 12:00pm–1:00pm, located on 4th floor of RTH by whiteboards


Monday and Wednesday 10:00–11:50 am, THH 110


Required: Natural Language Processing - Eisenstein (‘E’ in schedule) – or free version

Required: Speech and Language Processing 3rd edition - Jurafsky, Martin (‘JM’ in schedule) – January 2022 pdf

Required: Selected papers from NLP literature, see (evolving) schedule


10% - In class participation
10% - Posted questions before each in-class selected paper presentation and possible quizzes
10% - In-class selected paper presentation
30% - Three Homeworks (10% each)
40% - Project, comprising proposal (5%), first version of report (5%), in-class presentation (10%), and final report (20%). Done in small groups.
Written homeworks and project components except for final project report must be submitted on the date listed in the schedule, by 23:59:59 AoE.
Final project report is due Monday, December 12, 2022, 10:00 AM PST
A deduction of 1/5 of the total possible score will be assessed for each late day. After five late days, you get a 0 on the assignment (and you should come talk to us because your grade will likely suffer!)
You have four late days, to be applied as you wish, throughout the entire class, for homeworks and project proposal / first report (NOT final report). No deduction will be assessed if a late day is used.

Contact us

On Piazza, Slack, or in class/office hours. Please do not email (unless notified otherwise).


(subject to change per instructor/class whim) (will not necessarily be presented in this order):

Linguistic Stack (graphemes/phones - words - syntax - semantics - pragmatics - discourse)

Corpora, Corpus statistics, Data cleaning and munging
Annotation and crowdwork
Models/approaches: rule-based, automata/grammars, perceptron, logistic regression, neural network models
Effective written and oral communication
Language Models
Syntax: POS tags, constituency tree, dependency tree, parsing
Semantics: lexical, formal, inference tasks
Information Extraction: Named Entities, Relations, Events
Generation: Machine Translation, Summarization, Dialogue, Creative Generation

Schedule of Classes

Aug 22
intro, applications
E 1
project assignment out (due 9/19)
Aug 24
data processing. data resources, evaluation, annotation
E 4.5, JM 2, 4.9, Nathan Schneider’s unix notes, Unix for poets, sculpting text
Aug 29
linear classifiers
E 2.2, 2.3, 2.4. JM 4, 5, Thumbs up? Sentiment Classification using Machine Learning Techniques, Goldwater probability tutorial. The Perceptron (Rosenblatt 1958) (optional)
HW1 out (due 9/14)
Aug 31
nonlinear classifiers, backprop, gradient descent
E 3. JM 7.2–7.4, 7.6.
Sep 5
Sep 7
distributional feature representations: PPMI, LSA, word2vec, bilingual dictionary induction
E 14.3, 14.5–6. JM 6.
(Sep 9): Drop deadline (for refund, without W))
Sep 12
ngram language models
E 6.1–2, 6.4. 7.5, 7.7. JM 3 Exploring the limits of language modeling
Sep 14
recurrent and transformer language models, ELMo, BERT
E 6.3, JM 9. Attention is all you need
HW1 due
Sep 19
Transformers, actually
project proposal due
Sep 21
The Social Impact of Natural Language Processing, Energy and Policy Considerations for Deep Learning in NLP, Model Cards for Model Reporting
Sep 26
HW2 out (due 10/12)
Sep 28
POS tags, HMMs, treebanks
E 7.1–7.4, JM 8.1–8.5, 12 (through 12.4.2)
Oct 3
constituencies, cky, dependencies, shift-reduce
E 10.1–10.4, JM 13.1–13.4, 14–14.4.4
Oct 5
Oct 10
Omey - TweetSpin - Propaganda detection in Social Media using Multi-View Representations
Alireza - Hate Speech and Counter Speech Detection: Conversational Context Does Matter
Oct 12
shift-reduce :
Smit - Aligning to Social Norms and Values in Interactive Narratives
Syeda - How Gender Debiasing Affects Internal Model Representations, and Why It Matters
HW2 due
Oct 17
machine translation: history, evaluation, data
“Oh, yes, everything’s right on schedule, Fred”
Mahak - Time Waits for No One! Analysis and Challenges of Temporal Misalignment
Amin - Lifelong Pretraining: Continually Adapting Language Models to Emerging Corpora
Oct 19
machine translation: statistical, recurrent, transformer, transfer learning, unsupervised, nonautoregressive
E 18, JM 10
Zhuoyu - Annotators with Attitudes: How Annotator Beliefs And Identities Bias Toxic Language Detection
Hirona - Recognition of They/Them as Singular Personal Pronouns in Coreference Resolution
Oct 24
MEGA (Guest Lecture by Xuezehe Ma)
Mega Paper; Annotated S4
Robert - Non-Autoregressive Machine Translation: It’s Not as Fast as it Seem
Yixiang - Ask Me Anything in Your Native Language
HW3 out (due 11/16)
Oct 26
semantics: logical/compositional, frames and roles, amr, distributional
E 12.1, 12.2, 13.1, 13.3, 14.1-3, 14.6-8, JM 15.1-3, 6
Charles - Theory-Grounded Measurement of U.S. Social Stereotypes in English Language Models
Mina - How Conservative are Language Models? Adapting to the Introduction of Gender-Neutral Pronouns
Oct 31
Vision-and-language Models (Guest lecture: Xuezhe Ma)
Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models, Score-Based Generative Modeling through Stochastic Differential Equations, Variational Diffusion Models, Understanding Diffusion Models: A Unified Perspective
Basem - Explaining Dialogue Evaluation Metrics using Adversarial Behavioral Analysis
Leticia - Learning Dialogue Representations from Consecutive Utterances
Nov 2
dialogue: task-oriented and chatbots
E 19.3, JM 24 The original ELIZA
Zhivar - Semantic Diversity in Dialogue with Natural Language Inference
Fazle - On the Origin of Hallucinations in Conversational Models: Is it the Datasets or the Models?
Project Report Version 1 due
Nov 7
question answering, information retrieval
JM 23
James - Learning as Conversation: Dialogue Systems Reinforced for Information Acquisition
Yanze - Meet Your Favorite Character: Open-domain Chatbot Mimicking Fictional Characters with only a Few Utterances
Nov 9
natural language inference and common sense tasks
Modeling Semantic Containment and Exclusion in Natural Language Inference, Commonsense Reasoning and Commonsense Knowledge in Artificial Intelligence
Sophie - Knowledge-Grounded Dialogue Generation with a Unified Knowledge Representation
Jiarui - JointLK: Joint Reasoning with Language Models and Knowledge Graphs for Commonsense Question Answering
Nov 14
prompts, multi task large language models
InstructGPT paper (pp1–20), Large Language Models are Human-Level Prompt Engineers
Darpan - Robust Conversational Agents against Imperceptible Toxicity Triggers
Nov 16
adapters, prefix tuning, few-parameter fine-tuning
Sahana - Learning to Transfer Prompts for Text Generation
HW3 due
Nov 21
information extraction
JM 17, E 17, 25 years of IE
Nov 23
Nov 28
Project presentations
Nov 30
Project presentations